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Formatting nestjs validation errors the right way

6 min read
Formatting nestjs validation errors the right way

In this blog post we will learn how to format NestJS validation error messages into key-value pairs for improved usability in client applications.


When working with validation in nestjs with class-validators and class-transformers, the error messages thrown in a single array which isn't much helpful for the client applications. In this blog post, we will look into formatting the error messages from this

{ "statusCode": 400, "message": [ "name should not be empty", "name must be a string", "email should not be empty", "email must be an email", "password too weak", "password must be longer than or equal to 8 characters", "password must be a string" ], "error": "Bad Request" }

to this

{ "name": [ 'name should not be empty', 'name must be a string' ], "email": ['email should not be empty', 'email must be an email'], "password": [ 'password too weak', 'password must be longer than or equal to 8 characters', 'password must be a string', ], };

The Setup

Let's create a new nestjs project and install necessary dependencies

nest new nestjs-validation cd nestjs-validation nest g resource users ? What transport layer do you use? REST API GraphQL (code first) GraphQL (schema first) Microservice (non-HTTP) WebSockets ? Would you like to generate CRUD entry points? (Y/n) y

With these commands, we have created a new nestjs project, and created a users module with dummy CRUD operations. Your app.modules.ts should look something like this

import { Module } from '@nestjs/common'; import { AppController } from './app.controller'; import { AppService } from './app.service'; import { UsersModule } from './users/users.module'; @Module({ imports: [UsersModule], controllers: [AppController], providers: [AppService], }) export class AppModule {}

Let's now install packages to start validating the requests

npm i --save class-validator class-transformer

To start using the validation pipe, let's modify main.ts

async function bootstrap() { const app = await NestFactory.create(AppModule); app.useGlobalPipes(new ValidationPipe()); await app.listen(3000); } bootstrap();

Now let's create a CreateUserDto that we will use to validate post request to the route /users

import { IsEmail, IsNotEmpty, IsString, Matches, MinLength, } from 'class-validator'; export class CreateUserDto { @IsString() @IsNotEmpty() name: string; @IsEmail() @IsNotEmpty() email: string; @IsString() @MinLength(8) @Matches(/^(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*\d)(?=.*[^\da-zA-Z]).{8,}$/, { message: 'password too weak', }) password: string; }

We've now added validations for each field. We will now use this dto in the post route

// users.controller.ts ... @Post() create(@Body() createUserDto: CreateUserDto) { return this.usersService.create(createUserDto); } ...

At this point if you make a post request to the route /users you will get errors in the following format.

{ "statusCode": 400, "message": [ "name should not be empty", "name must be a string", "email should not be empty", "email must be an email", "password too weak", "password must be longer than or equal to 8 characters", "password must be a string" ], "error": "Bad Request" }

We are validating the request but we can't really associate the error messages to it's respective field. It would be really helpful if we get the error messages with it's respective key.

To achieve that, let's create an exception filter that we can use in our validation pipe. For now to see the structure of the errors we will just log the errors

// shared/exceptions/validation.exception.ts export const validationExceptionFactory = (errors: ValidationError[]) => { console.log(errors); }; //main.ts app.useGlobalPipes( new ValidationPipe({ exceptionFactory: validationExceptionFactory, }), );

If you see the console, you will see the structure of the validation errors.

[ ValidationError { target: CreateUserDto {}, value: undefined, property: 'name', children: [], constraints: { isNotEmpty: 'name should not be empty', isString: 'name must be a string' } }, ... ]

Now we know that the property will have the key of the field and the error messages will come in the constraints so let's use this knowledge and update our exception factory to structure our error messages

// shared/exceptions/validation.exception.ts export const validationExceptionFactory = (errors: ValidationError[]) => { const errMsg = {}; errors.forEach((error: ValidationError) => { errMsg[] = [...Object.values(error.constraints)]; }); return new ValidationException(errMsg); }; // shared/exceptions/validation.exception.ts export class ValidationException extends BadRequestException { constructor(public validationErrors: Record<string, unknown>) { super(validationErrors); } }

Now if you send a post request to the /users route, the error messages will be structured in key value pair

{ "name": [ 'name should not be empty', 'name must be a string' ], "email": ['email should not be empty', 'email must be an email'], "password": [ 'password too weak', 'password must be longer than or equal to 8 characters', 'password must be a string', ], };

This is super helpful. Now the client applications can display error messages with their respective fields. But we're not done yet. Our exception factory works for simple fields like but when we pass nested values it will not be able to handle the it. For the sake of the demo, let's say we wan't to create multiple posts along with the user in a single request.

import { Type } from 'class-transformer'; import { IsEmail, IsNotEmpty, IsString, Matches, MinLength, ValidateNested, } from 'class-validator'; export class PostDto { @IsString() @IsNotEmpty() title: string; @IsString() @IsNotEmpty() content: string; } export class CreateUserDto { ... @ValidateNested({ each: true }) @IsNotEmpty() @Type(() => PostDto) posts: PostDto[]; }

Now try sending a post request to /users

{ "posts": [ { "title": '', }, ], }

You will most likely get a 500 error. When you log the validation errors, error with property posts will have children which will be array of ValidationError. Let's re-write our exception factory to handle this.

export const validationExceptionFactory = (errors: ValidationError[]) => { const formatError = (errors: ValidationError[]) => { const errMsg = {}; errors.forEach((error: ValidationError) => { errMsg[] = error.children.length ? [formatError(error.children)] : [...Object.values(error.constraints)]; }); return errMsg; }; return new ValidationException(formatError(errors)); };

Here we're going through each error and recursively formatting error messages if there's a nested field. Now if you send a post request again, you should see well structured error messages.

{ "name": [ "name should not be empty", "name must be a string" ], "email": [ "email should not be empty", "email must be an email" ], "password": [ "password too weak", "password must be longer than or equal to 8 characters", "password must be a string" ], "posts": [ { "0": [ { "title": [ "title should not be empty" ], "content": [ "content should not be empty", "content must be a string" ] } ] } ] }